HOREMOWTV Station is a Holiness TV Channel provided free for all worldwide, Individual, family, Churchs, offices, meeting, services, etc. Our Programs are Powerful to make you Ready and Holy for the Rapture. Psalm 68:11. Join us & Invite all: Heaven is full of Joy.
About the Ministry:
Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, Horemow is a non denominational Ministry, given to the propagation of Christ’s Righteousness and Holiness in the Churches and nations of the world, through Crusade, Revival Meetings, Chapter and Unit meeting, Conferences, Production and spreading Holiness Literatures and materials.
International Zoom Bible study for your eternal life, every Sunday Evening 4:00 pm Nigeria time.
Internet Television daily broadcast and Live streaming worldwide in social media, facebook and Youtube, promoting Truth, Righteousness and Holiness.
About the International Director:
Pastor Paul Rika the International Director and Founder of Holiness Revival Ministry Worldwide, aka Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide with head quarters in Abuja, Nigeria. Has been a preacher of Holiness and Righteousness for some decade now.
He currently resides at Abuja, Nigeria.From where He directs the affaires of the Movement Worldwide.
HOREMOW is a non-denominational ministry having the following aims and objectives:
To hold Crusades, Conferences and Revival meetings in churches and nations of the world so as to bring sinners to Christ’s salvation and believers to His holiness. (Acts 26:16-18) To produce Christian literature that promotes salvation of souls, sound Bible teaching and holiness of believers in churches and nations of the world. (Luke 1:1-4)